
1 美元(USD)=

7.2603 人民币(CNY)

反向汇率:1 CNY = 0.1377 USD   更新时间:2025-03-05 08:02:32

翻译一段英文1,Can  you come down a bit 你可以便宜点吗?Come down 下降,下来。2,any discount ?有折扣吗?这是我们去店里买东西可以直接问,很实用。3 ,This can be a little cheaper这个能不能便宜点(指着一个产品时候可以用这句话)扩展资料:相近词义单词:cheaper读音:英 ['tʃi:pər]   美 ['tʃi:pər]  adj廉价的( cheap的比较级 );低俗的;劣质的;收费低廉的例句:1、Supermarket lines are often cheaper than branded goods 超市的商品常常比品牌货便宜。2、This range is substantially cheaper than any of the other own brands available 这一系列的产品比所有其他超市的自有品牌都要便宜得多。3、Running costs are coming down because of cheaper fuel 燃料价格下来了,运营费用也会跟着下降。上帝是女孩英文歌词非常同意!没事这么长干什么啊~T^T我几乎翻到我吐血orz(术语太多了TAT)带问号的都是我不太肯定的说法,楼主你……批判地看吧……还有那个private equity我都不知道该是“私人直接投资”还是“非上市公司股权”……找到的资料在这里->/baikebaiducom/view/1000530htm我不是学经济的555555555555At first glance, India might not seem the safer bet, with its pitted roadways, tainted water and visible, widespread poverty Yet those outward signs obscure solid underpinnings for economic growth, including a democratic government, a strong education system, widespread knowledge of English and a deep pool of expatriates experienced in Western businesses, according to Wharton faculty and experts in emerging market private equity乍看来,印度似乎并非一个安全的赌注(/投资地)。它凹凸不平的道路,受污染的水,和明显的大范围的(地区)贫困(都明白显示出这个信息)。但是那些外在的表征却模糊了它经济增长的坚实基础。根据在非上市公司股权市场(?)表现越来越突出(?)的沃顿商学院和专家们(的观点), 这些基础包括它民主的政府,强大的教育体系,英语普及以及大群有西方商务经验的侨胞。Cheap labor and foreign direct investment have made China the world's manufacturing powerhouse under a government that has embraced Western-style capitalism China has provided spectacular private-equity returns in recent years, but, the experts note, weaknesses in China's legal system and the possibility of political instability remain concerns for investors廉价劳动力和国外(资本)直接投资,让中国成为世界制造业的的发电机(=主要力量),并且中国的政府也已经融合西式的资本主义(的市场体制?),近年来,中国的私人直接投资利润丰厚,但是专家提醒,中国法律体系的缺陷和政治上潜在的不稳定性仍然是投资者们的顾虑。“Clearly there are enormous private-equity opportunities in both countries," says Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel “显然这两个国家都有着巨大的私人直接投资机会,”沃顿的金融专家,杰里米 西格尔(Jeremy Siegel)说。Valuations Matter评估事件(?)As for the better investment climate long-term, Siegel sides with India He says the country's "soft" attributes, such as a democratic government and a free press that is rooting out corruption, outweigh China's more impressive investments in "hard" infrastructure such ports, plants, and transportation systems基于更好的长期投资环境,西格尔(更)偏向印度。他说(印度)国家的“软”属性(的优势)超过中国在“硬”设施上更为给人印象深刻的投资。“软”属性是指民主政府和能够指出(?)政府腐败的自由媒体;而“硬”设施则如港口,工厂,和交通运输系统。Siegel notes that he is also concerned about China's system of "guanxi" in which business is conducted more through elaborate networks of relationships than on merit The willingness of Americans to let an entrepreneur succeed, regardless of his or her social or political connections, has been the cornerstone of US economic success, he points out "People with Chinese connections can do a lot, but I'm cautious about the whole question of whether the contracts written would be upheld with the wider amount of certainty that they would in India"西格尔说,他同样关注中国的“关系”体系。在这个体系中,商务行为更多是通过精密的关系网络,而不是利益。他(同时)指出,美国经济成功的基础是美国人的(个人)意愿,让一个企业家成功的意愿。他们是不管那人的社会或者政治上的关系的。“有着中国的(那些)关心的人可以做很多事情,但是我对于一下这个问题(仍)持有谨慎态度。这个问题是,(在中国)合同是否会像在印度那样有着被全面的确定性(=被全面确认)。”That said, Siegel adds a final twist that might steer investors toward China, at least in the near-term -- relative valuations India's Sensex 30 -- that country's version of the US Dow-Jones Industrial Index -- broke through 10,000 in February, up from 3,300 in December 2002 The price-to-earnings ratio for India stocks is 21, while Chinese stocks on the Hong Kong Exchange are selling for 15 times earnings In private equity, firms invested $23 billion in India in 147 deals last year, up from $16 billion in 68 deals the prior year, according to Venture Intelligence India西格尔增加(=又提出)可能让投资者转向中国的最后转机,那就是,至少是在近期——相关评估(?)。印度的敏感指数30(/敏指 Sensex)——在印度相当于美国的道琼斯工业指数——在2002年十二月的3,300(的基础上),于二月突破10,000。印度股票的市盈率(price-to-earnings ratio)是21,然而中国股票在香港交易所的市盈率(?)为15。根据印度的风险投资研究机构(Venture Intelligence India[位于钦奈,我死活查不到它中文名])(的数据),私人直接投资公司在印度投资从更早的那年(=上上年)的16亿美元,68份交易,提高到前年的23亿美元,147份交易。"India's edge is no secret and future returns will not match the stellar gains of the last three years," Siegel states“印度的优势是没有秘密,而其将来的投资回报和过去三年的主要收入不会相关联。”西格尔说。Vivek Paul, a partner at Texas Pacific Group and former vice chairman of Wipro, the Indian technology and services firm, is also focused on valuations He notes that while Chinese private equity investors are now enjoying an uptick, they have weathered earlier declines Indian investors have yet to taste a downturn "You have a more realistic hands-on valuation in China In India it's only been up for the last three years" 维韦克 保罗,田纳西太平洋集体的合伙人,维普罗科技服务公司的前主席,也同样关注评估。他指出当中国私人直接投资者享受股票报升[术语]的时候,他们已经经受住早期的衰败(=滑坡/投资失败/投资问题)。(但是)印度的投资者还没尝过一个低迷时期(=萧条/经济危机)。“你在中国有一个更为实际的延续评估。(但是)在印度它仅仅是在过去的三年里有所上升。”[就是说不知道它将来会怎样]Remembering me,discover and see All over the world, 记得我在世界上寻找而发现 She's known as a girl to those who a free, 她是一个想要得到自由的女孩 The mind shall be key Forgotten as the past 思想将被封锁,忘记过去 Cause history will last 使得过去的故事继续延续…… God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 Wherever you are, 无论你在何处 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 Whatever you say, 无论你说什么 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 However you live, 无论你生活怎么样 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 She's only a girl, 她只是一个女孩 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? She wants to shine Forever in time。 她希望永远的闪耀着 She is so driven, she's always mine cleanly and free 她是如此地受到驱策……(但)她永远是我的“纯洁”与“自由” She wants you to be A part of the future, 她希望未来的大部分时间里 A girl like me 有一个女孩喜欢着我 There is a sky illuminating us,someone is out there 天空照亮着我们,人们离开了这里 That we truly trust 也许那是我们真实的期盼 There is a rainbow for you and me 这里的彩虹(美好)属于你我 A beautiful sunrise eternally 美丽的日出是那样的永恒…… God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 Wherever you are, 无论你在何处 Do you believe it, can you recieve it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 Whatever you say, 无论你说什么 Do you believe it, can you recieve it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 However you live, 无论你过的如何 Do you believe it, can you recieve it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 She's only a girl, 她只是一个女孩 Do you believe it, can you recieve it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? iterance………… 回答:2006-02-02 18:54提问者对答案的评价: 共2条评论炒股软件:免费试用买卖提示+仓位控制+股票预测+估值空间,指南针官方正版,0元免费试用!惊:重大利好提前泄露爆料:天天暴赚,连续盈利120%定位准,轻松为您解忧让世界零距离!世界的领航者极品导航!其它回答 共5条回答评论 ┆ 举报mcxl1025[大师] god is a girl 歌手:groove coverage 专辑:booom 2003 the firs groove coverage - god is a girl remembering me, discover and see all over the world, she's known as a girl to those who a free, the mind shall be key forgotten as the past 'cause history will last god is a girl, wherever you are, do you believe it, can you recieve it god is a girl, whatever you say, do you believe it, can you recieve it god is a girl, however you live, do you believe it, can you recieve it god is a girl, she's only a girl, do you believe it, can you recieve it she wants to shine, forever in time, she is so driven, she's always mine cleanly and free, she wants you to be a part of the future, a girl like me there is a sky, illuminating us, someone is out there that we truly trust there is a rainbow for you and me a beautiful sunrise eternally god is a girl wherever you are, do you believe it, can you recieve it god is a girl whatever you say, do you believe it, can you recieve it god is a girl however you live, do you believe it, can you recieve it god is a girl she's only a girl, do you believe it, can you recieve it end