印度怎么和中国比:巴基斯坦统计中印数据全比较 !!巴基斯坦论坛中关于中国和印度的讨论,不过看数据基本是以前的数据,GDP都是05年,这几年差距又拉大了不少。一、 The Geo-demographics of China and India:地缘中国和印度的人口:Land Area: China 96 million sq km; India: 297 million sq km土地面积:中国960万平方公里,印度:297万平方公里Population: China 13 billion; India 11 billion人口:中国13亿美元;印度1100000000Labor force: China 7914 million; India 4964 million劳动力:中国7914亿,印度496亿Population growth rate: China 059% (death rate 0697%, birth rate 1325%); India 138% (death rate 0818%, birth rate 2201%)人口增长率:中国059%(死亡率为0697%,出生率1325%),印度138%(死亡率为0818%,出生率2201%)二、 Economy in General一般经济GDP in 2005: China US$2225 trillion; India US$7198 billion or 2005年GDP:中国,二万二千二百五十点零零亿美元,印度,七千一百九十八点零零零亿美元China US$8859 trillion; India US$3611 trillion by PPP 中国,八万八千五百九点零零亿美元,印度,三六一一〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇美元,购买力Economy sectors:经济部门:China: Agriculture: 15% of GDP, Industry 52% of GDP, Manufacturing 35% of GDP, service 33% In 2001中国:农业:15个国内生产总值,工业生产总值52,制造业生产总值35,服务33%,2001年India: Agriculture: 24% of GDP, Industry 27% of GDP, Manufacturing 16% of GDP, service 48% In 2001印度:农业:24国内生产总值,工业生产总值27日,制造GDP的16,服务48%,2001年These data comes from World Bank这些数据来自世界银行。 You can conclude that Chinas industry size is almost 6 times of Indias after a very simple calculation你可以得出结论,中国的产业规模是近6倍,印度的经过很简单的计算。 You can see how little Indias industry is你可以看看,印度的工业。 More important, Chinas industry is still growing much faster than Indias更重要的是,中国的工业仍然增长速度远远超过印度。三、 Agriculture农业India has more arable land than China印度比中国拥有更多的可耕地。 Indian produced 250 million tons of grains in 2003 (Thanks for the good weather)印度生产了250万吨粮食,前提是遇到2003年的好天气。China usually produces 450 million tons of grains each year no matter how tough the weather is (record is more than 500 million tons) (Thanks for the biotech R&D and expansion of the technologies in agricultural filed in China)中国通常会产450亿吨粮食,每年无论多么艰难的天气(最高记录是500多万吨)。四、Industry工业As data in “Economy in General” section shows, Chinas industry scale is 6 times of Indias如数据“总体经济”一节中显示,中国的产业规模是印度的6倍。 Chinas industry is still growing at around 16% pace for many years中国的工业仍然以约16%的速度增长。 That means one year increase in Chinas industry revenue equals to the total size of Indias industry这意味着一个中国的工业收入同比增长等于印度的工业总规模。 The gap is huge差距是巨大的。Around 43 million tons of iron and steel was produced in India in 2005 (An important index of infrastructure construction) China produced around 349 million tons of iron and steel在2005年约43万吨钢铁产于印度(基础设施建设的一个重要指标。),约3490亿吨钢铁生产于中国。55% of the world cement (Another infrastructure construction index) was used in China 55%的世界水泥(另一项基础设施建设指数)%被用于中国。By the data from CIA fact books, India produced around 36 million tons of oil (A natural resource index) in 2003 and will face the resource problem soon事实上,根据中央情报局的书籍资料,印度2003年生产约36亿美元的石油,并且将很快面临资源问题。China produced 160 million tons of oil in 2003 and imported more than 100 million tons in the same year中国生产16亿吨石油,并且在这一年进口石油超过100万吨。Here talks about the Sino-India trade in 2004中印贸易在2004年在这里举行了会谈。 It clearly tells that India is only a raw material supplier to China and China mainly sells industrial products to India它清楚地告诉说,印度只是一个原材料供应商,中国和中国工业产品主要销往印度。Indias average tariff fell from 56% in 1990 to 28% in 20042004年印度的平均关税从56%降至1990年水平的28%。 By comparison, Chinas average tariff dropped from 32% to 6% over the same period相比之下,中国的平均关税由32%下降到6%同期。 That means, India has to use tariff to protect its weak industry这意味着,印度利用关税保护其弱势产业。 While, Chinas industry competes against others fairly even in domestic market显然,中国工业与别人是公平竞争,哪怕是在国内市场。In 2002 the typical monthly wage of a manufacturing worker in India was US$2380 while in China the figure was US$11080, according to the IMF 2002年,在印度制造业工人每月工资是$ 2380美元,而在中国这一数字是美国一百一十点八○美元,数据参照国际货币基金组织。Even Indias industry is under the protection of high tariff即使是印度的工业是在高关税保护。 India still has a huge trade deficit印度仍然有巨大的贸易赤字。 The deficit could reach US$50 billion in the fiscal year of 2005-2006赤字可能达到美国在2005-2006年财政年度的500亿美元。But China always has a trade surplus但是,中国始终有贸易盈余。 I even dont bother to provide the links我甚至不愿在这方面提供数据。五、Service Industry服务行业Calculating from the GDP numbers of both China and India and the percentage of service industry in them, Chinas service industry contributed US$7425 billion to Chinas GDP, it is almost the total of Indias GDP无论从中国和印度的服务业在国内生产总值的百分比数字计算,中国的服务业贡献了742500000000美元的中国国内生产总值,这几乎是印度的国内生产总值总额。 Indias service revenue was only US$3455billion印度的服务收入只有1亿3455billion。Chinese airlines carried 138 million passengers in 2005, and the loads will nearly double to 270 million passengers in 5 years中国航空公司在2005年138亿人次,而负荷将增加近一倍,在5年内为270万人次。Passenger traffic grew to 5212 million in the last fiscal in India, from 4347 million in 2004-05, to register a growth of 199 percent客运量增长至5212000万上一次在印度财政赤字,从43470000 2004-05年度,录得增长百分之199。The annual insurance premium currently collected in India is $23 billion, which is expected to increase ten fold to $ 239 by 2020每年的保险费征收,目前在印度为230亿元,预计将增加10倍,2020年至239美元。 In the same period, Chinas insurance premium will rise to $863 billion from the present level of $60 billion在同一时期,中国的保费将达到八千六百三十点零零零亿美元从600亿美元的水平。Retail sales surged 129 percent in 2005 over the year before, to 67 trillion Yuan ($847 billion)零售额增长百分之十二点九,2005年比前一年为67万亿元(八千四百七十〇点零亿美元)。 By 2020, industry forecasts say the market could expand to about $24 trillion到2020年,工业预测说,市场可能会扩大到约24万亿美元。Indias total retail market reached US $230 billion in 2005 and will grow to US$370 billion in 2011印度的零售市场总额达2005美元,2300亿美元,将增长到2011年三千七百万点零万美元Indias travel and tourism market was valued at US$42 billion in 2005印度的旅行和旅游市场的市场总值在2005年420亿美元。 340 million people traveled in 2005 340亿人,在2005年。 The outbound travelers from India grew to 62 million in 2005来自印度的外游旅客的增长到62亿元,2005年。 This was almost twice the number of arrivals witnessed by the country这几乎两倍目睹该国的人数。 That means only 31 million visited India in the same time这意味着只有310万人参观了在同一时间内印度。China received 4711 million visitors in 2005中国在2005年接到47110000游客。 This number should not include the vistors from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan这个数字不应该包括来自香港,澳门和台湾的访港。There were 31 million outbound tourists from China in 2005去年共有31万人次的中国游客在2005年。In 2005, inbound tourists reached 120 million (including Chinese from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan economies) 2005年,入境游客达到120万美元(包括香港,澳门,台湾的经济中)。Overseas tourists contributed over $293 billion to the Chinese economy海外游客的捐款超过二百九十三万点零万美元到中国经济。 But their contribution was far outweighed by that of domestic Chinese tourists, who contributed $667 billion但他们的贡献远远超过了国内游客中,谁贡献六百六十七点〇 〇亿美元的。In 2004, Chinas service exports were US$62 billion versus US$40 billion for India 2004年,中国的服务出口为62美元兑美元亿美元,印度40亿美元。 On the other hand, 60% ofChinas service exports were travel and transportation services while in India the figure was 22%另一方面,60%ofChina的服务出口旅行和运输服务,同时在印度的这个数字是22%。In 2003, Indias exports of commercial services other than travel, transportation, and finance amounted to US$189 2003年,印度的出口比旅行,运输等商业服务,金融额达189元billion亿美元。 The figure for China was US$206 billion对于中国的数字是美国的206亿元。 In other words, China may already be ahead of India in selling IT换句话说,中国可能已超过印度的IT销售六、 Financial Industry and financial stability金融业和金融的稳定Indians always say that their financial industry is better than Chinas counterpart印度人经常说他们的金融业比中国的同行更好。 This claim can cheat a lot when Chinese banks were completely state-owned这种请求可以欺骗时,很多中资银行完全国有的。 But today, top four of Chinese banks were listed in Hong Kong stock market但今天,最高的4名中资银行在香港上市的股票市场。 When it goes to the truth in market, Indian financial industry is so pitiful comparing with Chinas当它关系到市场的真相,印度的金融业是如此可怜与中国比较。After the IPO of The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, its market value is about US$87 billion, This is almost one and half times of the collective market capitalization of all listed Indian banks - for the 37 listed Indian banks, this is about $ 6276 billion (Rs 2,86,859 crore)后工商银行首次公开发行的中国,其市场价值大约为870亿美元,这是近一年对所有上市的印度银行集体市值的15倍,使37个上市的印度银行- ,这是约62760亿(2,86,859亿卢比)。 Bank of Chinas market capitalization is now around $105 billion and that of China Construction Bank $ 99 billion在中国的市场资本银行约1,500亿元,而现在中国建设银行九百九十〇亿美元。Indias ICICI Bank tops the market capitalization chart with $ 1359 billion (Rs 62,177 crore), followed by the State Bank of India with $1189 billion (Rs 54,380 crore) and HDFC Bank with $629 billion (Rs 28,774 crore)印度的ICICI银行上衣与一百三十五万九千点零零万美元(62177亿卢比),由印度国家银行紧随其后一百一十八点九零零亿美元(54380亿卢比),并六十二点九零亿美元(28774亿卢比),HDFC银行,总市值图表。 None of the other listed Indian banks has over $5 billion worth of market capitalisation其他上市的印度银行均没有超过50亿美元的市场资本价值。 Punjab National Bank, the fourth bank when it comes to market capitalization, is worth just $362 billion旁遮普国家银行,银行的第四次当谈到市值,价值只有362美元亿美元。 Canara Bank is worth just $252 billion Canara银行值得只是252000万美元。Chinas ICBC has total assets of over $ 812 billion, close to the size of Indias GDP!中国的工商银行已超过八千一百二十〇点零零零亿美元的总资产接近印度的国内生产总值的大小! State Bank of India, which accounts for almost one-fifth of total banking assets in India, however, has an asset base of only $84 billion印度国家银行,其中几乎三分之一的印度银行业总资产的五分之一,但帐目,有一个只有八百四十万点零零零万美元资产基础。How Chinas banks are welcomed in the stock market如何中国的银行都表示欢迎,股市? The institutional tranche, which makes up 95% of the ICBC offering, attracted more than US$300 billion in orders and is 23 times oversubscribed该机构投资者,它构成了95%,工行发行,吸引了多美元的订单3,000亿元,是23倍的超额认购。 In Hong Kong, ICBCs initial public offering (IPO) of H-shares was 76-times oversubscribed with one million retail investors putting in HK$420 billion在香港,工行的首次公开发行(IPO)的H股是76与百万港元,散户投资者将四二〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇美元倍超额认购。 This broke the previous record, held by Bank of China, which attracted HK$286 billion (US$367 billion) earlier this year这打破了此前的纪录来,Bank of中国,吸引了香港二千八百六十零点零零亿美元(约合3670000万美元举行)今年早些时候。 This enables ICBC to price its shares at the upper limit这使工商银行的价格上限的股票。Budget deficit: 10% of GDP in India versus 2% in China预算赤字:国内生产总值的10%,印度在中国与2%。 This could have big impact on financial and economical stability这可能对金融和经济稳定产生重大影响。China has almost US$1 trillion forex reserves with total of US$ 2979 billion external debt中国有近1万亿美元的总额二千九百七十九点零亿美元外债外汇储备India has US$165275 billion forex reserves with US$1321 billion external debt印度美国一千六百五十二亿七千五百万美元美国外汇储备一千三百二十一万点零零万美元外债。India has a huge public debt, the ratio of public debt to GDP was 82% in 2005 and still growing fast, which is above the globally recognized alarm level of 60 percent印度有一个巨大的公共债务,公共债务占GDP的比重为82%,2005年仍在迅速增长,高于全球的百分之六十是公认的警戒线。Chinas public debt was 288% of GDP中国的公共债务占GDP的288%。股市复盘有什么好的技巧股票操盘手的工作内容是什么?操盘手是个新词,它是随着股市的开启而走进中国人生活的。它的诞生标志着中国经济的变化。操盘手不是炒手,他们是不炒单的,因为主力资金不需要炒单,他们做的是趋势,他们的目的是控制盘面而不是靠微小的点差来积累盈利。从一名普通的期货投资者到一名优秀的操盘手,就好像从士兵到将军一样,除了经受时间考验之外,其基本前提有两个:第一,以此为业,栽过跟头,但仍痴心不改,喜欢交易,屡败屡战。操盘手是职业交易员,不是票友。专业和业余不可同日而语。在任何一个行业中要取得成功,喜欢此行业并全身心地投入是必不可少的条件。第二,认错不服输,虚心学习,认真总结反思。这是优秀操盘手的特质。有信心但不自高自大,精神自由但又遵守纪律,对市场充满了敬畏之心,随时随地听从市场的召唤,绝不会对市场说三道四,幻想着市场会听从自己的意愿。建仓,吸筹,拔高,回档,出货,清仓———是一个操盘手的日常工作。操盘手泛指金融证券期货市场中受计划指定买卖品种的人。由于动辄就要操纵上亿元的资金,一直以来,外界总有一种误解:成功的操盘手都是那些拥有高学位的名牌大学高材生,交易者必须绞尽脑汁才能获利。其实,操盘绝不是学术研究。跟一般人想象的不同,操盘手每天的生活既不紧张也不神秘,更多的是需要细心,然后剩下的就是枯燥了,因为操作时整天都要盯着走势图。当然压力也很大,因为委托方不仅要求达到每个项目的利润最大化,还要求做到每个阶段利润的最大化。操盘手的九大要点一、正确认识自己,评估自己现在的实际水平;二、在第一步的基础上制定自己补习的方向和内容;三、寻找自己所缺乏的书本知识和真正有好技术又能教授你的老师;四、连续熟读和记忆这些有用的技巧;五、从行情中印证这些新学的东西,改良书本知识为实战内涵;六、大量地看图形和技术分析指标,把形态,成交量等重要的技术学好;七、大量的模拟和训练,以及大胆预测,把自己对大盘分析和个股做出记录,把理由写清楚;八、总结自己学习和实战成果,并作记录背熟,将之变成理论的依据,总结并写出来,系统化、简单化。九、严格意义上,说操盘手只是一个大项目的具体执行者,而且是一个不折不扣的落实人。在执行过程中不得有任何思想的干扰或影响对该项目的执行。有很多股票投资者在股市收盘以后都没有复盘的习惯,其实复盘是非常重要的一件事情,复盘不仅仅能够让你了解市场脉络,还可以掌握市场当天的主线,并识别机会与风险。那么股市复盘有什么好的技巧呢?技巧一:大盘分析这其中就牵涉到了当天指数的走势、个股位置高低、支撑位与压力位还有均线以及成交量等等指标的分析。麟龙理财君认为想要成为一名优秀的投资者,一定要学会审时度势,能够看清当天个股情况以及掌握接下来大盘可能的方向,这样才能够更好地去操作个股,不会因为大盘下跌连累到个股表现。技巧二:板块分析如果你用的是麟龙软件,输入快捷键“9”,就可以进入板块指数,观察各个板块今天的涨幅以及指数情况。但是我们不仅仅需要知道这个板块牛,我们还需要知道这个板块为什么牛。比如最近军工板块强势是什么造成的自然是南海争端以及中印边境局势造成的,这都对于军工行业来说是利好消息。但是通过这个事件你是否能延伸扩展到普通民众的避险需要呢乱世自然黄金最为保值,黄金概念也能看到涨得不错。在了解了板块以后,我们还需要分析板块中个股的情况。同样的道理,看完上涨排行榜,接下来看跌幅排行板,看看哪些板块比较弱。技巧三:阅读当日重要讯息这其中其实就牵涉到第一步大盘分析了。你需要去了解今天发生了哪些事影响到了大盘,这样可以提高自己的判断能力,同时也可以根据这些事件去撰写一个交易计划。